12oz 100% FRESH JUICE!! Choose from our in season fresh flavors. Red Hydration contains Watermelon, Mint, & Strawberry (Summer Only)
Green Cleanser contains Green Apple, Spinach/Kale, & Pinnaple
Orange Weight Loss contains Red Apples, Celery, Carrots, & Oranges
Purple Cardiovascular Health contains Strawberries, Blackberries, Spinach, Tomatoes
Pink Breast Cancer Fighter contains Beetroot, Carronts, Fuji Apple, Ginger
The Fresh - Red/Green Apples, Carrots, Lemon, Pineapple, & Ginger
Appsolutely - Fuji Apples, Green Apples, Ginger
Bulk Standard Juice
12oz juice bottles remains fresh for 1-3 days after opening when kept refrigerated. Nutritional value lessens the longer you wait to consume.
One KF Juice Pouch contains 2 servings.